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Glass Vice® Pool Fencing Solutions available are Glass Vice® / Clearline®/ Southern Lites® /Aluminium Tubular/ Aluminium Slatscreen

Vertical Battens

Section 3 Glass Pool fencing solutions – Glass Vice® and Clearline® Layout plans – gate drawings – refer to Section 9 Glass Vice fixing details and Section 10 Clearline fixing details

Section 4 Aluminium Pool fencing and Balustrade solutions

Section 5 Southern Lites® Semi Frameless Balustrade, Stair and Pool fencing solutions

Section 6 GV Slatscreen Balustrade and Pool fencing solutions Slatscreen can be used as a metre high balustrade solution as well as pool fencing or windbreak up to 1800 high

J-Vice Mechanical Fixings Alternative solution to NZS3604

Refer to Southern Lites and GV Aluminium and GV Slat screen sections for other pool fencing options
(Note: if the pool fence has more than a metre drop on any side then you will require a top rail (refer Nanorail section) if using Toughened safety glass)
PS1 Design Pool fencing 12mm top and side fixing using Glass Vice® clampsPDFDWG
Pool Fencing Layout Plan AB-P​PDFDWG
PS1 Design Pool fencing 15mm​ top and side fixing using Glass Vice® clampsPDFDWG
Pool fencing Layout Plan 3737X 15mm​​PDFDWG
Clearline Pool fencing12mm TSG or 13.5mm Laminated PDF SetDWG
Clearline Summary of systems - Lay outs and detailsPDF Set
Clearline Pool Fencing 15.5 laminated 1.2m highPDF SetPDF Set
Clearline Timber to Timber Bottom section 3D TT04
​PS1 Design Clearline Pool FencingPDF on application
​Clearline Pool Fencing Layout​PDFDWG
Gate Layout drawing​PDFDWG
Magna Latch details (distributed by Glass Vice Products Ltd)​PDF
Polaris Flyer​PDF
Note Tubular Aluminium fencing is an acceptable solution the council requires the fixing details and catalogue. No PS1 Design required.
Glass Vice® Tubular fencing catalogue​PDF
Glass Vice® Tubular fixing details​PDFDWG
Glass Vice® Tubular Care and Maintenance instructions​PDF
Glass Vice Tubular Flyer​PDF
Aluminium Pool fence and Balustrade .35knPDFDWG
Aluminium Pool fence and Balustrade .75knPDFDWG
Glass Vice PS1 Design Slat Screen Pool fencing 1200 high​PDF on application
GV Slat screen drawings for pool fence​PDF
Glass Vice PS1 Design Slat Screen Balustrade 1000 HighPDF on application
GV Slat screen Balustrade 1000 HighPDF
Glass Vice® PS1 Design GV Slat Screen 1800 High​PDF (note DWG available)
GV Slat Screen drawings for 1800 High​PDF
GV Slat Screen Flyer​​PDF

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